Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Sports Fans + Social Media

We all know that in today's world social media plays a huge role in sports. Fans who regularly engage on social media and who are sports fans tend to develop social habits. In a recent study conducted by Catalyst PR, who was recently acquired by IMG, surveyed 2,100 sports fans ranging from ages 16-64 who were fans of various sports (NFL, MLB, NBA, college football, college basketball and soccer).

Here are some of the most interesting findings:
  • Nearly twice as many respondents use Facebook compared to Twitter, at 73% to 37%. But on game day, they check Twitter about 1.5 times as often as they do Facebook.
  • Google+ and YouTube are on the rise among fans. When fans responded to a question about which platforms they use to "disseminate and acquire sports information," those two platforms showed the most year-over-year growth, at 94% and 35%, respectively. 
  • Seven out of 10 sports fans who Like or follow a brand online say they're open to sharing brand content, buying goods or engaging with social posts.

They also provided this nifty infographic that contains more information:

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