Sunday, October 19, 2014

NCAA vs. Snapchat

Last post about Snapchat for a while, I promise!

I don't know about you, but when I first saw that universities using Snapchat I thought it was pretty awesome, especially the sports part. Then I began thinking about seeing those images and videos from a prospective student-athletes view. Even more awesome!

Everyone knows that the NCAA has ridiculous rules and regulations when it comes to recruiting (and everything else). Since Snapchat is so new, they didn't have any regulations in place for this new communication tool.

On February 10, 2014, the NCAA published the new policy in its educational column. Guess what it said...
"In basketball and men's ice hockey, any type of electronically transmitted correspondence (e.g., e-mail, facsimile, instant message, text message, SnapChat, etc.) may be sent to a prospective-student athlete, provided the correspondence is sent directly to the prospective student-athlete (or his or her parents or legal guardians) and is private between the sender and recipient. Once a prospective student-athlete signs a NLI or an institution's written offer of admission and/or financial aid or after the institution receives a financial deposit from the prospective student-athlete in response to the institution's offer of admission, the institution may communicate publicly with that prospective student-athlete."
Coaches can now use Snapchat to recruit.

As a student-athlete, this now gives you the opportunity to see just about everything you would on a visit and more. It's also a scandal waiting to happen because the NCAA is unable to regulate and monitor it.

1 comment:

  1. I agree w/ you that its just another problem waiting to happen. The NCAA is a terrible organization that has been proven to be hypocritical, corrupt, and disingenuous. I'm sure they'll make up some awful rules though and then blame everyone but themselves.
